The assumption, based on the worldwide market signals, allowed us to predict the real future for Russian investment space as increasingly beneficial and prospective. One aspect is related to the conception of "made in the world", promoted by The World Trade Organization (WTO) through relevant "global value chains" (GVC). In that context, free and special economic zones with industrial and logistic spaces, that are free of taxation and support the simplicity of custom clearance procedures are considered as the place of value accumulation.
According to data of the World Free Zones Organization, the GVC participation rate in international trade has increased since the creation of the WTO, reaching a global average of 55%, while in countries such as Hong Kong and Singapore it grew up to about 80%. Following the global trend, the major Russian industrial projects were launched within SEZ, Greenfields and Brownfields. It's also highlighted that 64% of all investments consist of Russian manufacturing companies while foreign companies from 14 countries are represented by large and medium-sized enterprises, also driven by special economic incentives programs with the state institutions promotion. Some findings are surprising, for instance, for 1 ruble invested in the special economic zone area infrastructure, 8 rubles of direct industrial investments are derived.
Another weighted reason for our foresight is that the volume of Russian Federation import has been growing since the second quarter of last year. This is mostly due to an increase in state investment in the economy. And import will increase as the government continues to leverage national projects. Data from the previous year reveals that the import was related with the high technological equipment (-2%, $42.7 billion for the year), electrical machinery (-2%, $29.4 billion) and medicines (+31%, $10.6 billion). Following the domestic experts' forecasts, it will be quite tricky to increase export volumes. However, it's noticeable that 2020 began with concerns about the Chinese economy dynamic experiencing the outbreak of coronavirus, which spoiled global expectations of China's manufacturing capacity.
Summing up aforementioned, the domestic GDP and regional manufacture localization has been pushed up through economic tools such as SEZ, Industrial parks areas, using commercial and knowledge specific or other words it will be the place of value accumulation.
Possibilities of the European Supply Chain Integration
Russian institutional environment is enhancing its performance, aiming at support of the industrial investors'. The joint efforts of IDF, GISP and SME resulted in the creation of eight investors-oriented programs, included the reimbursements, granting subsidies and joint loans aimed at the industrial projects development, R&D and Digital systems design. Moglino SEZ took participation in the professional workshop, that was held in the CDP conference hall in Moscow.