The distinguish pathway of business doing within 223 Federal Law framework are:
- From the big picture thinking to narrow to more specific and deliverables.
The business scenario consists of 4 stages:
• Each stage has related with the different deliverables but all of them estimated by quantitative measures.
• The stages duration can be discussed.
Each stage will be closured by report including deliverables:
- Beyond the marketing lot which starting from 8 mln, our partner will be reward the success fee remuneration.
- The base for reward is 120 mln of capital investment, our partner will be given 5% of success fee - 6 mln for one new coming resident by gradual schedule, tied with the capital investment execution.
First stage is business development, starting from Road map design.
Second stage is Road map implementation.
Third stage is finalizing two previous stages with the particular deliverables.
Forth stage is observing the investment project undertaking and moving forward.
I stage starts from actions executed towards deliverables:
You need to create Road map in the particular actions towards finding investors in 6 countries, 6 industrial sectors and generate at least 100 leads (online \ off line \ face to face) upon 4-to 6 weeks it should be completed.
II stage is Road map implementation:
- We expect deliverables of road map implementation and outcome;
- 6 countries contacts: B2B, B2G, B2C;
- 6 sectors: awareness about Moglino SEZ;
- Generated at least 100 warm leads.
III stage is finalizing with the outcome such as at least 40 "warm leads" and 10 "hot leads" guaranteed.
IV stage is conducting review or supervising and pushing up towards
3 Milestones completion that brings success fee reward:
A residency acquisition - 20%;
B construction project approved by authority -30%;
C real estate title acquisition - 50%.
To sum up
The distinguish pathway of business doing within 223 Federal Law framework are:
- No advanced payments, the only report-based invoice closure;
- No additional payments handling, it must be included for the complex cost (hourly engagement of managers, their experience grade, representative spends - among the most common);
- The bit amount is started from 8 mln rub for the marketing part within 30 weeks;
- 6 mln gradual reward for the 1 resident acquisition.