The weekly agendа_09.05.2020
The FDI Intelligence report (2019) has spotted that the main trends of the last year were accelerated by the pandemic impact. Accordingly, the main trend is that China's inward capital investment was replaced by new top destination into Africa with projects growth on 49%. But still leading source regions for FDI remain Western Europe and the UK, with $300.5 bn in capital investment in 2019. Amazingly, the US turned out from being active overseas investor to the capital attracting country. Also, the growth of foreign investment to Vietnam is on track for continued success, being initiated just the last year.
Core technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as Big Data, cloud computing, Internet-of-Things ("IoT") and blockchain are building a more sustainable supply chain framework. However, the massive application is still far away, facing a few obstacles such as intellectual property issues, regulatory approvals, other unsolved problems, including how designed files should be protected under patent law, associated by the place of origin, trade volumes and product liability.
The state support measures for SME-business in Russia announced the stimulus' package (№121 FZ by 22.04.2020) to support companies active in the 11 industries, most suffered by the economic lockdown, caused by the coronavirus outbreak.
- The package includes vital elements: the deferral of tax payments for up to six months, reduction of administration tax; the employee's wage will be subsidized by livelihood average level rate, and bank loans will be provided by the low guaranteed interest rate of 5 to 6% in the rub, supported by loan liabilities payment break.
- The measures designed to mitigate the pandemic affects aimed to speed up an economic revival, and support their needs are critical to the Russian economy sectors to overcome the crisis. These measures have played a significant role in the investment climate as well as social security contribution, available also for overseas companies and foreign shareholders. (Figure below)
Many experts consider that after the pandemic, we will have a multiregional world with robust local economic systems, oriented to macro dispersion market.
Besides, the current situation signs that direct investors are willing to look beyond the existing turmoil and retain a long-term outlook. The number of investment intention signals picked up by Moglino SEZ has not fallen in March. Contrary, the extensive investors' interest has been manifested.
As the pandemic begins to slow down, more and more countries announce the first steps in returning to a healthy life. Countries across the Asia-Pacific region seem to be the most progressive in this trend. Nevertheless, the Global Risk Report from the World Economic Forum (WEF), which incorporates the results of the annual Global Risk Perception Survey of about 1000 experts and decision-makers, reports that political tensions pose the most urgent risk in 2019, rising geopolitical and economic pressures to the most immediate risk in 2020 (Alex Irwin-Hunt reports 2020).