Weekly agenda 04.09.2020
The dynamics of digitalization in the world is increasingly penetrating our everyday life, covering all spheres from daily routine to industrial production. Certainly, communications become less and less personal. Most of the daily and work issues can be solved remotely: food ordering, services, exchange information, and more. On the one hand, this is a positive trend that makes our life easier. But there is another side of the coin - without personal communication, it is not yet customary and it is difficult to form a complete impression of the interlocutor, partner, potential client, which can hinder the adoption of certain decisions, especially when it comes to large investments.
One of the effective communication channels, which is aimed at finding investors for localization on the industrial site of Moglino SEZ, is participation in major industry events in Russia and worldwide. Attending exhibitions, conferences, round tables, representatives of the special economic zone can personally make a presentation, answer questions to the public, invite them to a return visit to Moglino. However, this method of popularizing Moglino SEZ and its advantages is limited now.
The necessity to expand the audience and strengthen the presence of the industrial site of Moglino SEZ in the global information environment is growing in a new way. Therefore, it was decided to prepare a number of presentation materials that will be able to convey to the addressee not only the infrastructural advantages of Moglino SEZ, such as ready-made infrastructure, low cost of land, tax holidays, etc., but also help to reveal the very essence of the project, its social component, its unified social role in the concept of development of the Pskov region.
Thus the idea to create an image video was born, the plot of which symbolizes the close cooperation of Moglino SEZ and Pskov State University. Young people who have received quality education in various fields will be able to realize themselves at home - in the Pskov region. Modern enterprises located in Moglino SEZ will be able to find highly qualified employees in our region, which will ensure an increase in the level of socio-economic development of the Pskov region.
The socio-economic orientation of Moglino Special Economic Zone implies close cooperation with educational institutions of the Pskov region. We are talking not only about higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, interaction with which is due to the training of qualified personnel for SEZ residents. At the school level, the younger generation should develop a sense of confidence in the future, which will provide them with the opportunity to find interesting and promising work in the Pskov region. The combination of high-tech industry, science and education will allow to make a qualitative breakthrough and ensure sustainable growth in the economic well-being of the Pskov region.
We congratulate everyone on the beginning of the New Academic Year! Let inspiration, curiosity and focus on achievements be your incentives and together we will be proud of our achievements and the prosperity of our native land!