

Year results. Investor expectations

10 December 2020

Yesterday, on December 9, a regular meeting of the "5 o clock" club, organized by  Moglino SEZ, took place. The meeting was attended by experts from development institutions represented by delegates of the German and Finnish Chambers of Commerce, the Association of Industrial Parks of Russia, the Association of Clusters and Technoparks, the Association of Exporters and Importers, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, potential investors who are still at the stage of deciding on localization and residents of the Moglino SEZ.
The theme that united the conference participants was «Results of the Year. Investor expectations. Residents in the process of implementing their projects - problematics».
The session highlighted the problems of residents that they encountered in the implementation of their projects. Also, an exchange of contacts between experts and residents was arranged as a bridge to solving problems of localization, customs clearance, obtaining fresh analytics and experience in resolving issues. Participants of the institutional environment at the federal level got an idea of the business environment in our region. Exchange of experience in law enforcement, formation of sustainable business models, adaptation of financial instruments, infrastructure solutions and continuing education are the important current tasks of Moglino SEZ.

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